Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sell a Home Faster with Flowers!


If you're like me, you love visiting open houses and model homes, especially those that are 'staged'. 
(Who wants to look at someone's unmade beds and sink full of dishes?)

One item in particular that I take note of is the presence (or lack of) flowers and plants! 
As a florist, I make a point of having fresh flowers in my home, 
and I know the power they have on our moods. 
When I visit someone else's home, the lack of flowers or plants is noticeable, 
and I really feel as though something is missing.


Savvy real estate agents know that a successful open house 
is more than a few balloons on the corner of the street. 
Even something as simple as a tiny bouquet in the bathroom 
feels luxurious, and signals an attention to detail.

Fresh flowers on the kitchen counter and a few well-placed plants
are a powerful signal to prospective buyers. 
Whether the client is a flower lover or not isn't important...
the presence of living things in the home makes it feel fresh, cared-for, liveable and inviting.

How wonderful to be greeted by this beauty at the door!

Europeans know the importance of flowers in daily life. 
Picking up a bouquet of flowers is as commonplace as buying the daily loaf of bread. 
Why haven't we recognized the power of flowers here yet? 
The point of flowers is exactly their fleeting beauty-the opportunity to enjoy something while it exists. 
What joy that holds, whether it's a few stems you pick for yourself, 
or a statement-making arrangement you gift to someone special. 

Give it a try! Bring some fresh flowers home or work; 
notice how they lighten your mood, and bring life to your environment.
I promise you won't be disappointed!

Bloomers Floral Design
122 South Front St.
Wilmington, NC 28401

1 comment:

  1. It is really nice picture and looking so great. Amezing and very beautiful flowers.
