Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fabulous Fall Flowers For Friends

We're well into October now, and no doubt all our recent rains have done in your home garden.
But that doesn't mean there aren't fabulous florals available for gifting to yourself, or a friend.
Check out all these possibilities, then put something together to enjoy!
Dianthus (or Carnation) in the most wonderful shades of purple.
Only available from one grower and you will not see these in tired grocery store bunches!
Ornamental kale...yes, cabbage!
Available in green, white and purple, these really add a unique touch to an arrangement.
Perfect for a dining room centerpiece.
Chinese lanterns. These are dried, and look like tiny papery pumpkins.
A great way to add a splash of orange-aren't they great in this magnolia wreath?
Cotton on the stalk. 'Nuff said, these are adorable!
Be sure to ask for the 'floral cotton', which has been cleaned of the dried bits.
Fall colored roses, such as "Leonidas", one of my favorites.
The color is somewhere between brown and burgundy, with an undertone of yellow.
Fall isn't all about brown though,
as you can see how well this rose pairs with the blush colored rose called "Amnesia".
So very beautiful and unusual.

There are lots of grasses to choose from,
such as the red Millet shown in this beautiful arrangement.

Dried pods, such as lotus pods and scabiosa, here mixed in a bouquet with blue thistle.

Preserved stalks of fall-colored leaves have many uses.
Of course, there are mums, too,  in all colors, sizes and varieties from gold to brown and orange,
including some that are variegated. There are so many more choices than just those pots of red, yellow and orange puffs sold on every corner!
Looking for drama?
Look no further than Hanging Amaranthus, available in green and burgundy.
(Also known as Love Lies Bleeding)
Some varieties can be 3 feet long!
Welcome Fall!
Bloomers Floral Design
122 South Front St.
Wilmington, NC 28401

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